Cheaters - URGHH
Have you been cheated on before?
I have.. a long time ago..
So how does that feel?
Betrayal.. a strong word.. has so much disrespect in it...
Women are, I think, by nature more loyal than men.. I guess men dont search for stability as much as they search for enjoyment.. while women are created as nesters.. looking for security/stability so as to settle down.. relax.. maybe make a family..
Men, the hunters, search for work, money.. & yes women..
Not all men ofcourse cheat, those are the ones who dont want to get caught.. & yes, who have respect & true love to their women.. a precious few.. (gladly i think in our community they are many).
Q: So, what does a woman do when cheated on?
a. confront him.
b. give him another chance.
c. find the "other woman" & give her a piece of her mind.
d. end everything without looking back.
There's a very true saying that goes "Yakhdo ana, ya yakhdo Rabena" (Either I get him or God does." It basically means that if a man strays there are only two options:
1) Take him back if, and only if, he comes crawling back to her with a diamond bracelet in one hand and the keys to a brand new Porsche in the other.
2) Do something to make him extremely unattractive to other women so nobody else would want him. (Ideas for this include; making him impotent, leading him to bankrupcy, killing him by putting cyanide in the kofta she's making for lunch)
Posted by Anonymous | 11:36 AM
leih bas el 3onf dah!
well its a serious issue fe3lan..(i pray no one would be in such a critical one!)
Course of Action to be taken depends on el zerouf wa2ttah..
but i would say ocnfrontation is the first step to deal with it..
then it depends..if he jsut slipped and was a one timer thing..and u find it in urslef to forgive and u still respect him..then surely..go ahead!
but still, if there r kids involved..then i guess ur dignity is not ur final factor to base ur decision on...i know its really huritng ..but sacrifice to maintain the stability of ur own kids..comes at a price!
bas fel akher...
i really hate all guys who put their woman in such situation..!
ghoddouh el bassar wel donia teb2ah gamila!
ma3a ta7yaty!
Posted by Anonymous | 2:06 PM
I've never been cheated on, but if God-forbid is should happen, I think I'd choose option D. Someone who cheats is not worth my time...
Posted by Anonymous | 6:26 PM
i chose option D...although I wish I'd chosen the 'cyanide in kofta' option
Posted by Anonymous | 3:35 PM
Ok Ok .. yes I have been cheated before..
However, I prefer a Multi-disciplinary approach .. which means:
1- I will confront him
2- I will forgive him .. provided it is his first time and it is totally unacceptable to repeat it.
3- I will give that other one a piece of my mind
if repeated
1- confront of him
2- give BOTH OF THEM a piece of my mind
3- Walk away in Victory!
That's Me!
Posted by Anonymous | 2:01 PM
Anon: Like ur attitude!
Girlie: Well actually the scenerio that i had in mind was a bf cheating not a that case(bf) i dont suggest forgiveness, but in the case of husband..the jury is still out..
queenie: wish i did that when i was put in the situation!
Arima: concider D + cyanide :)
OpeRon: Welcome 2 blog. From experience, never 4give a cheater. Once a cheater, ALWAYS a cheater!
Posted by Asrar El Banat | 5:09 PM
what do you propose a guy does when his girl cheats on him?
as for what i would expect a strong girl to do is either a) or d) option b is basically asking for him to cheat on you again.
even if you find it in you to forgive him, he should definetly get the message that this was the kind of mistake that he can only get away with once
i don't see how option c) is relevant, what is the other woman's mistake? we heya malha ya3ni, kol wa7da telem kharoofha, unless she knows you directly
Posted by KareemFromEgypt | 11:10 AM
"kol wa7da telem kharoofha" !! That cracked me up ya Kareem :)
Da 3ashan el 3id wala eih?
Anyway, I'm with doing (a) PlUS (d).
As 4 the other woman..ur righ.. if she knows me then she's getting hell..if not..then just let her enjoy the cheater!
As for ur question...don't u think that same goes 4 a girl cheating on a guy???
Posted by Asrar El Banat | 10:12 AM
well again i don't see how option c) works if it's a girl doing the cheating.
i use the kol wa7da telem kharofha - kol wa7ed ye7ala2 3ala ferakho expressions regularly, but kol sana wenty tayeba sa7ee7
i guess the three other options apply to female cheaters as well.
what i was aiming for was an explaination/annalysis of the driving motives that lead people to cheat, guys have more reasons to cheat while i have found that females usually only cheat when dissatisfied with their relationship (guys cheat for that reason too) so therefore sometimes a guy could find it in him to forgive if he thought that he wasn't doing his best to hold on to her or something.
Posted by KareemFromEgypt | 9:09 PM
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