Men in Egypt have taken the phrase "Going downtown" to an entirely new level. It is customary (in light of our very very democratic state's perpetual state of emergency) for there to be Central Security (Amn Markazy) vehicles parked all around Tahrir square in order to crowd already crowded streets and to help control riots and the like (god forbid the new generation found its political voice or something). At least that's their declared purpose, but given that we don't really have riots every day they've found a new sport to entertain themselves.....US.
Anyone working in Tahrir will totally understand, parking is a hassle and then there is the much dreaded walk to the office. I must have done something really heinous as a child because I am certainly being avenged against. I have to walk by 6 cars of Central Security Soldiers to get to my office building. I'm a conservative dresser (not that that's a criteria in their eyes) but during those cursed moments I pass by their vehicle I manage to extract all kinds of comments, whistling, cursing, passes, hit-ons and god knows what else.
I mean COME ON. You are there for my protection!!! What have you left for the professional pervert out there???? GOOD GOD people... GET A LIFE!