Once upon a time..
Once upon a time.. a girl was a girl...a guy was a guy.. Then suddenly one dreadful decade.. the girl started loosing her hair.. The guy started growing his.. The girl became strong and independent.. The guy became weak and needy.. She had to change to face the tough life.. But why did he change?? Wasn't he tough enough??
Apart from appearances.. personalities of the sexes have changed.. Chivalry is dead.. Courtship = Harassment.
A girl now doesn't have that much time to be "pretty"..she has to stuggle to survive..
What a wonderous time we live in..
so true! shu hal araf!
love the blog :)
Posted by Aisha | 6:12 PM
girls became tougher because they had to go out and work, they had to toughen up, that wasn't the case 40 years ago (ok so our parents worked but some of our gandmothers didn't, some of them didn't even go to college, before the kasim ameen era) that is oversimplifying the reasons but i think this throws you into the right path of analyzing why
as for guys, well well... i guess you could say that with girls becoming more assertive and tough, the need for guys to be extra tough (so as to carry the burden) ceased to exist, that and the fact that this segment of this generation u are reffering to didn't have to fight hard for anything in life.
for the sake of not having a v.long comment, i'll leave it at that.
Posted by KareemFromEgypt | 2:22 PM
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