On being single
Looking around at the couples around me, I'm pushed to the conclusion that perhaps we as humans were not meant to exist in the couple state. It would seem that anywhere you looked you found two people who from the outside look absolutely adorable gradually discovering that they are completely wrong for each other. This moment of clarity varies. Some discover it while dating, others months into an engagement, some even after 5 years of marriage. It would seem that people in a relationship, people fresh out of a relationship and people not in a relationship are all miserable. Can mankind ever be happy?? When you are single you yearn to be with someone, when you are with someone you feel like you want to kill them just to be rid of them, when you are rid of them you can't sleep nights and you wallow in depression. Humans are just WEIRD.
I love your blog! I love this post! People feel love or attraction because their brain spreads certain endorphins. Just like any other emotion (ex: serotonin for happiness) Love is really the dopamine ur brain spreads... big amounts of the love endorphins end u up in a state of arousal!
Posted by ISIS | 10:26 PM
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